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Now it’s your turn to unlock the same magic that empowered me to create the life of my dreams. Using the energy of planets as your celestial guide, my goal is to help you navigate life with intention and experience the Universe unlike ever before.

"Destiny is not a Matter of Chance, it is a Matter of Choice"

I am Ekaterina – a citizen of the globe and a student of life, a member of the International Society for Astrological Research. As a trusted astrologer, I help unveil the myriad ways in which the planet’s energy is involved in our everyday lives. My journey began when I was a little girl, consumed with discovering the purpose of life. Guided by this profound question, I spent years exploring the world with an international scope and broad vision — working at an art gallery in Dubai and even earning a master’s degree in State and Municipal Administration. It wasn’t until years later when I was awakened to astrology – that I discovered the answer to my question was right above me all along – sitting among the stars, all I had to do was look up.

You Are the Creator of Your Own Destiny